

Marking of water meter body housings acc. to DVGW Worksheet W421 


The complete water meter range in brass execution of Wasser-Geräte fulfills all the requests of the new DVGW regulation related to the drinking water DIN 50930-6. All plastic parts which are in contact with drinking water do have a testing certificate acc. to the “Leitlinie zur hygienischen Beurteilung von organischen Materialien im Kontakt mit Trinkwasser” (KTW-guideline) and acc. to the DVGW regulation sheet (W270), which confirm the suitability of the materials from microbiological point of view.

All the materials we use comply with the requirements established in §17 of the TwVo (regulation for drinking water). Acc. to the DVGW Worksheet W421 body housings of water meters have to bear in raised font the marking of the producer of the body housing, the year of production and the raw material number. Furthermore, acc. to DIN EN 14154-2 and DIN EN ISO 4064-4, the metrological units (measuring insert) are to be identified on the surface. On the corresponding connection devices (body housing) the marking must be visible either on the inside or on the outside. Wasser-Geräte is applying these rules and standards as pictured:

Marking of water meter body housings acc. to DVGW Worksheet W421