Wasser-Geräte GmbH
Internationaler Hersteller von Wasserzählern
Max-Planck-Straße 20
78549 Spaichingen
Phone: +49 (0)7424 9599-0
Telefax: +49 (0)7424 9599-20
E-Mail: info@wasser-geraete.de
Internet: www.wasser-geraete.de
Managing partner: Herold Petrei
Registry court: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Register number: HRB 229 SP
VAT.ID.NO acc. to §27 a VAT act:
DE 142 928 178
Responsible for the content acc. to §10 paragraph 3 MDSTV:
Bettina Petrei
Liability note:
Despite careful content check, we do not accept responsibility for the content of external links. For the content of the linked pages the responsibility has to be assumed by their operators only.